Türkmenistanyň Senagatçylar we Telekeçiler Partiýasy

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The wonderful buildings of the «Belent jay» company

The esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says, «Businessmen are the gold fund of our country». During the period of transition of our state to market relations these words are deserved appraisal given to businessmen. Really, during the Epoch of Prosperity of the Powerful State about 70 per cent of produced domestic products belong to the members of the Union of Industrialists and businessmen. The «Belent Jay» private enterprise is one of the companies where the owners showing their qualification by their honest work, improving their mastership, gaining experience and making their deserved contribution to strengthening of the economic power of our Fatherland work together. The biography of the enterprise begins from the 8th of March of 2010. On that day the «Belent jay» private enterprise was registered and got the corresponding certificate from the official institutions. The enterprise mainly is occupied with fulfilling construction works. Different forms of construction-repair works are carried out in this sphere. From the very start the enterprise put forward the motto: «Our works must have advantageous prices and high quality». The performed works and rendered services can be good examples of it. In accordance with the «Program on social and economic development of Turkmenistan during the period of 2019-2025» the «Belent Jay» private enterprise has carried out construction and repair works in different parts of our Fatherland: — In 2011 reconstruction and repair works have been carried out in the Abadan township of the Akhal Province and finished on time. — The «Belent jay» private company became the member of consortium created according to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan «On construction of the Trade Centre» signed by him in January of 2012 and fulfilled the charged works. — The enterprise performed the repair works of the Children and Youth Palace in Ashgabat and on the basis of the corresponding Decree of the Municipality of the city of Ashgabat in May of 2012 the enterprise carried out the construction works of parking lots, service and trade centres. Besides that construction - repair works on reconstruction of water supplying complex of the H. Deryayev Street in Ashgabat according to the subcontract were fulfilled. — During this period in accordance with the Agreement signed with the «Polymex» company of Turkey about 25 construction – assembly works were carried out and had been finished on time by the enterprise. — According to the signed subcontract on construction – assembly works the construction of multilateral sport complex and works on organization of public services and amenities in the eastern-southern part of the crossroads of the Azady Street and Hydyr Deryayev Street in Ashgabat were carried out and the opening ceremony of the sport complex took place in April of 2015 with the participation of our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the building was given for use. — The construction-assembly works are carried out by the «Belent jay» enterprise according to the subcontract on reconstruction of the sport complex with 1500 seats located in the Yasmansalyk residential area of the Ruhabat district in Ashgabat. — The construction works of the open parking-lots with car-washing, shopping and service facilities in the «Parahat- 2» and the 9th residential districts according to the Decree of the Ashgabat City Municipality issued in April of 2016 were fully completed and given for exploitation. — According to the contract made in April of 2016 the construction-assembly works of electric transformer complexes of 68 dwelling houses built in the eastern part of the Gurtly residential area of Ashgabat are being continued. — The works on constructing the wholesale and retail shopping centre in the western part of the «Parahat 7/1» residential district of Ashgabat according to the corresponding Decree of the Ashgabat city Municipality issued in December of 2012 have been carried out and constructing – assembly works have been fully completed. The «Belent jay» private enterprise also takes part in the large projects carried out by foreign companies in Turkmenistan. On the 10th of September of 2013 the trilateral Agreement «On Construction of the gas-chemical Complex producing polyethylene and polypropylene between the «Turkmengas» State Concern and the «LG International Corp» and «Hyundai Engineering Corp Ltd» companies of South Korea an the «TOYO» Engineering Corporation» company of Japan was signed. This project with the total cost of more than 3 billion 432 million US dollars was marked in the history as a bright example that our country was becoming a highly developed industrial country. As our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, «The energy resources of the world are the wealth of whole humankind. At present these means are not only fuel, but they also give opportunity for developing confidently economic relations. They are the guarantee of a stable development, of raising continually the living standards of people and their culture». In construction of this gas-chemical complex, producing 386 thousand tons of polyethylene and 81 thousand tons of polypropylene the «Beýik jaý» private enterprise also showed its professional skills. On the 10th of September of 2013 on the basis of the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan within the framework of his official visit to Japan the framework Agreement on construction gas-chemical complex producing gasoline of gas between the «Turkmengas» State Concern and the «Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd» and the «Rönesans Turkmen» consortium was signed. In accordance with the project of the «Hyundai Engineering Cold Ltd. LG International Corp.» and «Itochu Corporation» companies 3.47 billion cubic metres of natural gas will be processed per year. It means that 1267 thousand tons of diesel fuel and 424 thousand tons of naphtha production will be produced annually. The «Belent jaý» private enterprise also took part in construction works of the gas-chemical complex which was built according to the world standards and was put into operation in the Owadandepe township. To be more exact, the construction — assembly works and other services had been carried out with high quality and in time. The «Belent jaý» private enterprise also takes part in the exhibitions and competitions with successful results. There are some examples of them: Taking part in the «Ak şäherim Aşgabat» exhibition in 2013 and 2014 the «Belent jaý» private enterprise got Diplomas. On 17-18 March of 2014, on 15-16 March of 2016 taking part in the exhibitions held on the occasion of the sixth, eighths anniversaries of establishing of the Union of Industrialists and Businessmen of Turkmenistan the «Belent jay» private enterprise got the Diplomas of the of the Union of Industrialists and Businessmen of Turkmenistan and of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The enterprise got the Diploma at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Turkmenistan held by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 10-11 October 2015 on the occasion of the 24th Anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan. The «Belent jay» private enterprise got also the Certificate of the Kickboxing Federation of Turkmenistan for its assistance for holding preparatory training for the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in 2017. Besides that the head of the enterprise D.C.Orazmuhammedov regularly carries out charitable works. He renders financial assistance to the Home of Invalids. He equipped and installed heating and chilling equipment sat the schools of disabled children. In future too the «Belent jay» private enterprise will make its worthy contribution to great projects of our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov carried out for strengthening economically our Fatherland, increasing the well-being, social conditions of our people.

Türkmenistanyň Senagatçylar we telekeçiler partiýasynyň Merkezi geňeşiniň başlygy, Mejlisiň deputaty. - S.Owganow