Партия промышленников и предпринимателей Туркменистана

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Camel’s Milk of the Garagum Desert

The­ Turkmen­ camels­ are­ the­ most­ ancient and beautiful animals of the Garagum Desert, one of the largest deserts of the world. The camel's milk  and agaran, the­ meal­ made­ of­ it­ have­ very­ effective ­medicinal­ properties­ which­ were­ also­ noted­ by­ Avicenna,­ a­ well­-known­ Eastern­ physician­ and­ philosopher­ (980­ - 1073­ A.D.)­ The­ camel’s­milk­ and ­agaran ­are­ one ­of­ the ­most­ ancient­meals­ of­ the­Turkmen ­people.­To­ say­ it­ in­ the­ medical­ language­ they­ are­ sourly ­milky­ drinks.­One ­more­ secret­ of ­the ­camel’s ­milk ­is­ that­ it ­is ­ready ­product,­or ­meal ­which ­is ­being ­cooked ­under­ the ­influence ­of ­the­ hot ­climate ­of ­the ­Garagum ­desert.­This­ pure­ natural­ product­ souring­ becomes­ active­ and­ destroys­ microbes­at­once.­To­ say ­in ­scientific­ language ­the ­camel’s­ milk ­does ­not­need ­thermal ­processing,­at ­the ­same­ time­ it ­is­ ecologically ­100­ per­cent ­pure ­product, ­which­ has ­antibiotic­ properties.

The­ unique­ medicinal­ properties­ of­ the­ camel’s­ milk­ lie­ in­ the­ fact­ that­ it­ has­ more­ mineral­ –­ vitamin­ complex­ in­ its­ structure ­than­ other ­drinks. ­It ­has­ tens­ of ­mineral­ vitamins.­It­ is ­not ­by ­chance­that ­our ­ancestors ­used­ agaran ­regularly ­in­ order ­to ­treat ­the ­weak ­patients ­who ­lost ­their ­strength ­and ­had­ stomach­ disease.­Camel’s ­milk­ has­ low,­ small ­calorie.­That’s­ why­ it ­is ­very ­effective ­to­keep ­the ­weight ­of ­the ­body ­on ­the­ same ­level ­when ­the ­person ­puts­ on ­or ­loses ­his ­weight.­The­ presence­ of ­easily ­assimilated ­lactose­ in ­the ­content­ of ­the­ camel’s­ milk­ which­ gives­ incentive­ to­ feeding­ the­ nervous­ system­ is­ one­ more­ peculiarity­ of­ the­ camel’s­ milk.­ When­ the­ patient­ has­ anaemia,­ tuberculosis,­ oncology­ diseases­ or­ weak­ organism ­he ­is ­advised­ to ­drink ­camel’s ­milk ­or­eat­ agaran.­ These­ meals­ are­ also­ medicinal­ remedies­ for­ the­ patients­ suffering ­from ­intestinal­ stomach­ diseases.­It ­goes­ without­ saying­ that­ camel’s­ milk­ or­ agaran­ are­ best­ pleasant­ drinks ­for­quenching ­thirst.­


In­ recent­ years­Turkmen­ businessmen­ began­ paying ­much­ attention­ to­ camel­ breeding­ and­ production­ of­ camel’s­ milk­ and­ agaran. If­ you­ start ­from­ Ashgabat ­by­ quick­ transport ­you­ will ­reach­ rapidly­ the­ Gokdepe­ district.­ Then­ going­ across­ the­ bridge­ over­ the­ Garagum­ canal­ crossing­ the­ «Akhal»­ village­ you­ will­ arrive ­at ­the ­place ­«Keseki­oy» ­located­ in ­the ­Garagum­ desert. ­There­ is­the ­address ­on ­the ­plastic­ package ­produced­ at ­the ­shop ­for ­packing ­camel’s ­milk ­of ­the­ industrial ­enterprise­ constructed­ here­ among­ the ­sandhills:­«Producer ­Kanayev­ P.­ The ­address: ­In­ 3­km.­distance ­in ­the ­north ­within­ the ­Akhal­ farm ­of ­the ­Gokdepe ­district ­of ­the ­Akhal ­province»

This­ private­ enterprise­ began­ its­ work­ in­ 2017.­ The­ choice­ of­ this­ area­ for­ camel­ breeding,­ for­ their­ pasture,­ for­ construction­ of­ the­ industrial­ enterprise­ is­ very­ advantageous­ from­ the­ point­ of­ view­ natural­ conditions.­ There­ are­ wide­ pastures­ for­ camels­ and­ abundance­ of­ plants­ used­ for­ forage­ for­ camels­ grows­ there. The­ work­ on­ collecting­ camels­ for­ producing ­camel’s­ milk­ and­agaran­ began­ here ­in ­2015.­The ­camels­ were­ collected­ not­ only­ from­ the­ Akhal­ region­ but­ they were brought from Jebel, Oglanly, Akyayla wells ­of ­the ­Balkan ­province, ­from­ the ­Sakarchage­district ­of­ the­ Mary­ province­ where­ the­ camel­ breeding­ existed­ since­ the ­ancient ­times.­Thus ­the ­number­ of ­camels ­reached ­200­ here.­In ­the ­past­ years ­sometimes ­some­days ­in ­the ­summer­ season ­camels ­gave ­one ­and ­a ­half ­or ­two­ tons ­of ­milk ­a ­day.

The­ sowing ­land ­given ­to ­the ­enterprise ­by ­the ­state­looks­ green. ­At ­present ­the ­barleys own ­on ­9 ­hectare ­are a­ ­being­ harvested.­The ­first ­harvest­ of ­the ­clover ­in­ the­10­ hectare­ land­ has­ finished.­The ­10 ­hectare ­land ­was ­sown ­with­ jugara­ or ­white­ durra.

«Thus­ the­ 140­ hectare­ area­ given­ by­ the­ state­ for­ developing­ business­ was­ cultivated­ step­ by­ step­ and­ according­ to­ technological­ rules­ was­ prepared­ for­ sowing.­ Besides­ camels­ we­ have­ about­ 100­ cows.­ Our­ customers­ buy ­their ­milk­ from ­our ­farm.­At ­present ­we ­build ­dairy ­maid­ for ­our ­cows.­In­ the ­near­ future­ we­ intend ­to ­produce­ yoghurt,­ sour­ clotted­ milk,­ cheese,­ processing­ milk.­ We­ are­ also­ constructing ­structures ­for­ making ­and ­keeping ­silage,» ­said­ Jumadurdy ­Juma,­ the ­Business­ Manager ­of ­the ­enterprise. It ­is­ very­ interesting ­to ­see ­milking ­at ­noon.­About­ 10­ milkmaids­ after­ washing­ their­ hands­ and­ pails­ with­ hot­ water ­began ­milking. ­After ­that­ the­ milk­ is ­taken ­to­ laboratory­ examination ­and­ then­ it ­is ­packed.­Camel’s ­milk­ and ­agaran­ are ­packed­ into­plastic ­packages­ which ­are ­made ­there.­The­ shop ­producing ­the ­plastic ­packages ­of ­different ­volumes­ was­ one ­of ­the ­first ­structures ­constructed­ there.­The ­camel’s ­milk­ and ­agaran­ packed­ here ­met­al ­the ­sanitary ­requirements.­ They ­are ­sent­ at ­once to­ shopping ­centres. ­Mainly, ­they ­are­ sent ­to ­the ­«Garashsyzlygyng ­15 ­yyllygy»­ shopping ­centre­ and­ «Ata­market»­ shop ­located­ in­ the­western ­part ­of ­Artogrul­ Gazy ­Mosque ­in­ the ­capital.­They ­have ­enough ­customers. The­ milk ­and ­agaran­ of ­the ­camels­ grazing­ in ­the ­pastures­ of­ the ­Garagum­ desert ­are ­balm­ for ­health. 

Türkmenistanyň Senagatçylar we telekeçiler partiýasynyň Merkezi geňeşiniň başlygy, Mejlisiň deputaty. - S.Owganow